Photo Courtesy of Brooklyn Workforce Innovations
In 2018, Tiger grantees trained and placed ~3,500 New Yorkers in jobs and helped ~1,500 access educational opportunities or find connections to new career paths.
Funding Guidelines

Photo Courtesy of Brooklyn Workforce Innovations
More than thirty percent of families living in poverty have a working head of household and twenty percent have at least one full-time worker. The costs of achieving economic self-sufficiency in New York City are such that holding a steady job does not guarantee economic independence. Low-income New Yorkers need good jobs that pay better than the city minimum wage and provide opportunities for earnings growth and career advancement. By supporting a variety of job training programs with a strong focus not just on placement in jobs but on the supports needed for long-term job retention and career advancement, Tiger seeks to provide opportunities to New Yorkers to overcome barriers to employment and embark on a path to economic self-sufficiency and independence. To do this, Tiger Foundation supports programs that incorporate one or more of these effective components:
- Structured models that focus on job-readiness AND hard-skill, sector-specific training for in-demand industries; career and wage progression opportunities.
- Dual-objective program models that re-engage disconnected young adults (16-24) with BOTH education and employment services that prepare them for job success and careers.
- Demonstrated employer relationships and the use of labor-market data to drive placements, and customized retention services for at least one year.
Our workforce funding focuses both on the unemployed and the underemployed (including programs which support adults and youth who are neither in school nor working) and seeks to leverage and improve on the city’s and state’s sizeable investments in improving employment opportunities.
Tiger Foundation considers the following elements in the review process:
- Successful recruitment and retention of participants
- Consistent participation rates
- High program graduation rates
- High job placement rates
- Job retention for one year or more
- Job quality (starting wage, benefits, hours worked, opportunities for wage growth/advancement)
- For young adult-serving programs, multiple positive outcomes (e.g., internship, full-time/part-time employment, re-enrollment in high school, High School Equivalency (HSE) or progression toward a HSE, college enrollment and persistence)
- Resolution of other client issues (e.g., housing, financial, child care, substance abuse)
- Decrease in reliance on transitional benefits
- Closing of public assistance cases
- Cost per outcome across the measured spectrum (enrollment, graduation, placement, retention)